Walk Your Own Path
Welcome to your 8-week 121 journey
Congratulations on taking this step for you. For choosing to connect more deeply with your body and soul.
This is your resource centre. This is a menu where you can come for support, or in any spare moments, during these 8-weeks and beyond.
Don't feel any pressure to do too much, or guilt if some weeks you have less time. This is your journey, you cannot be behind.
Honesty and good communication is key to this journey. If you have questions or there's anything you need please email karen@flowofpotential.com
If you want to learn more about the co-commitments from the book Conscious Loving, you can read more here.
Read more about how to make a vision board and define your values.
Your 15-minute practices
1. Grounding meditation and breath awareness >
Grounding: 11-minute movement playlist
Shaking: 14-minute movement playlist
3. Heart-opening & upper body movement >
Heart: 11-minute movement playlist
4. Body scan meditation and journalling >
Listen: 17-minute movement playlist
5. Yoga Nidra (Yogic sleep relaxation) >
Self-love: 27-minute movement playlist
Breath practice
A 20-minute guided breath practice this can be done with an open or closed mouth depending on how you feel - open mouth is more activating.
Yoga practices
Yoni nidra (yogic sleep) relaxation for women (from Yoni Shakti - A woman's guide to power and freedom through Yoga and Tantra by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli)
All of the practices below are intended to be breath-focused and calming for the nervous system.
Soothing Yoga
These practices were designed for the morning (but can be done any time, unless you have insomnia) and are a little more energising, including dancing and shaking.
Music playlist (you will need to stop this for the dancing)
Soothing Yoga: A simple introductory practice (1hr 06mins)
Soothing Yoga: Grounding Practice (1hr 10mins)
Soothing Yoga: Release anxiety & tension - hips focus
(1h 12mins)
Soothing Yoga: Focus & balance (1hr 10 mins)
Soothing Yoga: Stretch out, Stress less (1hr 16 mins)
Yoga for Relaxation & Release
are more appropriate for the evening or times when you wish to calm yourself, slow down and unwind.
Yoga for Relaxation & Release: Grounding practice (1hr)
Yoga for Relaxation & Release: Hips, womb space & belly (1hr 03 mins)
Yoga for Relaxation & Release: Svadistahana (2nd chakra) Hips & the element of water (1hr 02 mins)
Yoga for Relaxation & Release: Your core & willpower
(54 mins)
Yoga for Relaxation & Release: Gentle Heart Opening (1hr 05 mins)
Yoga for Relaxation & Release: Throat chakra and your vision (1hr 03 mins)
Discover more about your menstrual cycle:
Red School & the book Wild Power
Journalling prompts
How does it feel in your body when you are 'grounded'? (It might help to write this after the grounding meditation or yoga practices. Describe the specific sensations in your body, rather than external instructions)
Can you notice when you are ungrounded/need more grounding this week? (may include lost in looping thoughts or emotion, not present in your body, reactive, clumsy, numb). How does your body feel? Was there a cause?
What ways do you find pleasurable to ground in your body? Might include salt baths, gardening, eating plant-based food, walking, yoga, dance, being in nature etc. Could you incorporate any of these into your life more?
Your womb space:
What is the story of your womb space? What pleasure and pain have you experienced here? What has it created?
Can you tune into this area? How does it feel physically? Are there any emotions held there? Any messages?
Do you have a monthly bleed cycle? Do you track it and its 'seasons'? What are the effects - physical, emotional and mental?
Your heart space:
How does your heart feel in this moment?
What events or people have wounded your heart?
Is there anyone you are yet to forgive?
In what circumstances do you withhold your love?
Your inner child:
Write a letter to and from your inner child. What wisdom and gratitude does each of you have to share?
What does your inner child love? What are some of their favourite activities, places and memories?
Your wise woman
Write a letter from your wise woman at the end of your life to yourself now. What wisdom or messages would she share to help you in your life?
Write your own obituary. How would you be remembered and what would your legacy be?